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About US

As the COVID-19 spreads into the global,Chenfan Tech. changed the prodcution lines for face masks to support relevant countries.All face masks sell with low margin price.All products certificated with CDC of China.Under this special situation,we deeply know we are together,we couldn't be well if the other counties and people involed by the virus.We hope the virus could gone ASAP,we always are with you before that.


Chenfan Technology was established by Mr. Huang in June 2013, located in Longgang District, Shenzhen City. Through development of 6 years, Chenfan became into one of leading brands in Home and house supplies,LED light decorations field, fashion jewelry including design, research & development, sales, produce and distribute.


Up till now, Chenfan had sold out more than millions of products for people, brought fun and joy for them. People use them for decorations,home improvement and as gifts to people, like kids, children, teen, young, lovers, parents, grandparents and etc. Basic on excellent quality, great design and considerate service, now Chenfan grows up to the best seller for above items category. We hope people could be surprised than they expect when they use products of Chenfan. Not only about the function and application, but also can bring them happiness and joy. We always do our best to make the design and products more humanized, keep improving the quality and function. But meanwhile we keep in touch with our clients and listen to their suggestions and ideas, make the products always be vitalized.


Our belief is decor life more colorful and dreamful. When people pass Chenfan gifts, they are not only gifts, it means love and happiness to others as well. Light up the world brighter, keep trying our best. Choose Chenfan, make the life better.